But if u decided to u can earn a portalsite, instead of wrench choice to OSRS gold make ur portal in these areas: lumby swamp, infront of draynor manor. I think this would be a great idea and it is free of charge 2p also. . .and no it doesnt raise structure.
My first suggestion:New bait (In a small way, this can help you catch what you wish to catch) In harry's fishing store in catherbley, you can purchase bait for diffrent fish... HOW TO USE BAIT:Use the bait with all the essential equipment to capture the fish you want to catch, it will turn from an ordenery fishing equipment (Eg. Lobster pot) into a Fishing Gear with how much bait it has in it in brackets, (eg. Lobster marijuana to Lobster marijuana (50)). Cool?
This may combine the very first suggestion with the wait characteristic of farming. Additionally a new fish will probably be creating an apperence.
Remeber that feeling of pride you got when you finished dragon slayer? How did you get to Crandor? By boat of course! How do you Old school runescape buy gold visit Pest Control to conserve the Void Knight? Boat! How do you visit Brimenhaven Dungeon to own some metal dragons? Boat of course! Boats are used frequently in RuneScape.