The syndrome polycystic ovarian syndrome , a hormonal imbalance that causes cysts, irregular cycles, is among the most common causes of infertility. Studies have shown that this syndrome is strongly influenced by genetics, although environmental factors cannot be excluded.
"There is a genetic predisposition to polycystic ovary syndrome whose rate is likely to be higher than other conditions [endometriosis or fibroids], Several studies have shown that up to 40% of sister couples have similar hormonal changes or problems compatible with the syndrome. "
But despite the higher chances of experiencing the same hormonal disorders, if a relative has polycystic ovary syndrome, it's hard to tell if a woman is doomed to infertility because of these issues. Experts have not yet found a link that connects everything - namely the genetic makeup that causes polycystic ovary syndrome which, in turn, would cause infertility.
According to various experts, researchers have not yet discovered the cause of infertility in about 20/30% of cases ; that is, when examined, ovarian reserve, sperm function, fallopian tubes and uterus are normally functioning. Some doctors suspect such cases are related to habits and lifestyle factors, such as nutrition, weight, exercise and stress levels. However, many experts believe that almost all pathologies that can cause infertility or conception problems are accumulated by a genetic predisposition capable of increasing the chances of their occurrence. go to this site